Race Results

Live feed of the race will be published to the website timataka.net. To watch the live feed of the race and lookup results, pls. open appropriate link on the website. The website contains live feed and results for all categories and distances.

At each feed station we will have a check point which will provide a split time on the course so you can see how you paced yourself in each section.

Strava is not considered official timing.

Award Ceremony

Award Ceremony will be held at our Info Center, Logaland at 18:00 hrs. for 45 km, 100 km and the 200 km finishers. Everyone is welcome to come and join during that ceremony as well as during the party.

From 19:00 to midnight we will have a party at Logaland for those whishing to chat, exchange stories, have a beer and snacks, listen to music or whatever your up to. We want to see you and get to know you so come join us. See location info on Logaland.